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昱泉成立於1989年,研發總部位於台北。公司自跨足遊戲開發之日起,就把「東方題材,好萊塢表現手法」確立為遊戲產品的定位,幾經努力,『昱泉』已經成為“好萊塢品質的東方遊戲”代名詞。自由的開發環境、為理想而堅持的團隊就是昱泉的奇蹟。 初試聲啼的昱泉──開創3D即時動作武俠RPG 1995年,昱泉新作《塔克拉瑪干—敦煌傳奇》上市,即榮獲84年度傑出資訊創新類應用獎。此後,昱泉力作不斷——在與名著大師的合作下,陸續推出《笑傲江湖》、《神鵰俠侶》、《風雲2七武器》、《小李飛刀》等作品,屢創銷售佳績! 日漸茁壯的昱泉──開創3D網路多人格鬥遊戲 2002年10月,昱泉傾力打造出全球第一套傳統武俠3D區域網路遊戲《流星蝴蝶劍.net》,並一舉囊括2003 Game Star遊戲之星「最佳動作遊戲獎」等四項大獎,創造了公司遊戲研發事業的新里程碑。 精益求精的昱泉──開創台灣遊戲業E3得獎殊榮,與 Soul Calibur、Fable、Halo等遊戲並列 2004年,昱泉與知名國際遊戲公司Sega of America共同合作開發出動作遊戲大作《鐵鳳凰》,不僅榮膺美國Best of E3 2004 「最佳創新遊戲」(“Most Innovative”)獎項,和工業局的「國際級數位內容雛形獎」,還在2005年再度榮獲「數位內容產品獎」等殊榮!並且在同年又完成了『XBOX Live大型多人連線網路遊戲開發平台』的研發。 從2006年直到現在,昱泉秉持自製研發態度與各知名發行公司(Namco、SEGA、EA、Sony、Microsoft、Vivendi) 共同合作開發多款PC、Console遊戲,並且使用最新技術展現次世代遊戲主機的品質,有Word puzzle、 Mage Knight Apocalypse、SMOG、COL、CTO、流星online、笑傲江湖online等等。 展望未來的昱泉—— 將華人的驕傲帶給全世界 昱泉秉持著「創新、樂趣、專業、品質」的遊戲開發理念,堅持「東方創意,國際品質」,往後也將繼續打造精緻品質、代表東方文化色彩的遊戲;同時也將以優秀、經驗豐富的遊戲研發團隊以及國際業務人才,積極開創國際事業的營運,成功的發展成為亞洲數位創意開發中心。 昱泉需要更多有理想、有創意、有堅持的新血,共同打造台灣創意產業的未來,一起加入我們吧!
◎ AFAA簡介 ◎ 一、AFAA的成立 「Aerobics and Fitness Association of America美國有氧體適能協會」1983年成立於美國洛杉磯。現任會長Linda D. Preffer女士根據自己的有氧體適能體驗、科學驗證以及安全有效之體適能運動普及的必要創立了AFAA。20年來AFAA在美國境內的俱樂部與有氧教室舉辦超過2,500場具教育意義的研討會,並發展成為「世界最大體適能教育機構」。截至目前為止,在全球已有超過200,000人取得AFAA核發之國際認證,此認證可通行全球79個國家。 AFAA是具有公信力且可信賴的教育機構,所有的檢定考試及教育課程皆受相關單位認可: .AFAA的認證考試由「美國健身測試委員會」National Fitness Testing Council(NFTC)統籌管理。 .AFAA的理論與實技考試內容受「美國生命研究會」Vital Research認可。 .AFAA很榮幸能與「美國健身考試委員會」National Board of Fitness Examiners結為聯盟。 .AFAA是「美國國家能力認證組織」National Organization for Competency Assurance的一員。 二、AFAA的宗旨、目的與活動 .採用傳統與創新兼具的形式將全面性的體適能理論與實技專業教育傳遞出去 .透過研習課程,持續推廣有氧體適能指導員的教育 .培養優秀的人才 .預防有氧體適能運動的傷害 .確立、提高有氧體適能運動的職業地位 三、AFAA在台灣 自1998年至今,AFAA TAIPEI已成立近十年的時間,並於2007年正式更名為AFAA TAIWAN。在這期間我們為提昇教練在社會上的地位,提供下列專業的服務: □ 檢定考試:已舉辦過近百場的各領域檢定考試,確立台灣的證照系統、教練地位。 □ 養成培訓:只要對體適能有興趣,AFAA皆願意提供養成教育,協助踏入體適能職場。 □ 研習課程:為了確保教練的繼續教育,我們的研習課程再次提昇了教練的專業。 □ 會員服務:AFAA讓會員每月不間斷的與AFAA互動並獲得相關產業的優惠資源。 □ 情報提供:我們隨時提供體適能之最新情報,更新體適能最新資訊。 □ APEX大會:我們每年辦AFAA APEX,希望教練可藉此接觸來自全球的講師了解體 四、AFAA國際認證領域 以往國內資深的體適能指導者為提昇自我知識及技能,大多前往國外取得合格證照,所費不貲。自1998年起,AFAA引進專業的檢定制度及通行79國的證照、證書供國內體適能專業指導員就近取得最安全及有效的指導基準。同時,AFAA也藉著各項認證考試及研習課程的舉行讓一般民眾、政府及民間單位了解合格證書的重要性。 目前為止,AFAA的認證隨各領域專業的不同分為PC、WT、PFT、STEP、KB、MAT SCIENCE六大類,如果您目前已是體適能指導者而想取得國際認證,請針對專業領域的不同做適當的選擇: □ PC「Primary Group Exercise Certification基本有氧教練」 □ WT「Weight Training Certification重量訓練教練」 □ PFT「Personal Fitness Trainer Certification 私人教練」 □ STEP「Step Certification階梯有氧教練」 □ KB「KickBoxing Certification拳擊有氧教練」 □ MAT SCIENCE「MAT Science Certification墊上核心教練」
Love of 理念: Love of 提供現代生活女性休閒時尚感的歐美風格服飾,傳達愛戀自我風格的意念,讓每位顧客能透過 Love of 的服飾,感受到更豐富的生活故事。 Love of 風格: 歐美時尚風格穿著。 Love of 保證: 服飾設計與製造皆由 Love of 垂直整合及監控,除了品質保證外,Love of 的產品絕對會帶給妳 自信、喜悅、時尚! Love of 服務: Love of 除了在 Facebook 網路購物上販售 Love of 服飾,在東區頂好名店城裡的店面提供試穿及取貨服務,當然也會有網路購物上看不到的精美服飾等著妳發掘!貼心的 Love of 也會現場提供好喝的咖啡供妳享用,讓妳擁有 VIP 的購物體驗!
本公司經營海底電纜電信業務擁有第一及第二類電信執照,係外商在台子公司。 REACH will work with you to provide an innovative suite of services designed to allow you to grow your business by offering end-to-end communication services to your customers. Through our global partnerships, we can provide services integrated with Asia domestic networks and delivered into Europe East and North and South America. The services inclusive of Data Services, IP Services, Voice Services, Satellite Services and Added Services.
Morningstar, Inc. is a leading provider of independent investment research in North America, Europe, Australia, and Asia. We offer an extensive line of Internet, software, and print-based products and services for individuals, financial advisers, and institutions. Morningstar provides data on approximately 350,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 4 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. We have operations in 20 countries and minority ownership positions in companies based in two other countries. Morningstar Asia was established in Hong Kong in 2000 and launched its investing Web site in September of that year. Soon after, Morningstar Asia launched Web sites in China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, and Singapore. The Web sites offer access to and objective information about investment funds available to individual investors. The sites also provide independent editorial content produced by Morningstar analysts and journalists based in Asia and around the world. In addition to the investing sites, Morningstar Asia offers a range of innovative products and services to advisers and institutions, including Morningstar® Adviser Workstation™, a comprehensive, Web-based investment planning system; Morningstar Direct™, a Web-based institutional platform providing access to Morningstar’s global databases and investment research; and Morningstar® Licensed Tools and Content, delivering online and dynamic tools and content for investment analysis and tracking.
Acoustic Technologies creates high quality, hands-free, audio processing software, semiconductor, and system solutions for leading telecom manufacturers worldwide. The SoundClear brand of patented full-duplex communication, echo cancellation, and noise reduction solutions is enabling significant advancements in telecommunications voice quality and is proven in millions of products around the globe. SoundClear provides natural bi-directional communication in mobile phones, hands-free car kits, Bluetooth accessories, VoIP telephones, conference phones, and other speakerphone enabled products.
Shin Shoei Enterprise Co.,was founded in 1978 ,specialized in the production of electric appliance and pressing hardware with UL specifications. Our producs are sold all over America.Then the second pland was estalished in the Pao-An Industrial Zone in 1990. Our complete producing lines include pressing hardware, plastic injection,wiring assembly. The products are very competitive in terms of high-quality and reasonable prices. We are the supplier to major domestic companies such as Sanyo Electirc Co.,Tatung Co and is promoting its export. Our clients include those as Middle East,Europe and America. In an effort to continue serving customers needs,we are integrating updated techologies, equipment and continue to research developing new products and innovations. We will provide reliable quality and best prices to our customers.
D2 is a privately owned company, headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, USA; and the Taiwan branch office locates in Hsinchu city, Taiwan. With over 120 staff-years of industry experience in voice processing, telephony, and data networking technology, D2 software products the total solution of Voice over IP (VoIP) embedded products, such as VoIP Phone, ATA, access points, and gateway. D2 is leading VoIP s/w company providing the complete software solutions of various VoIP embedded products for major telecommunication OEM/ODM vendors.
本公司"Macho Of Style"起於2004年.目前有3間分店~ 士林安平店 士林大南店 師大店 ~ 以男性服飾精品為主
Laksh International Company Co., Ltd was formerly a domestic factory that manufactured products for other skin product companies. Our main business is to offer OEM service, providing consistent operations of development of skin products, quality test, filling and packing. We have accumulated dozens of years of experience in product development and value quality advancement. In order to maintain high quality of our products, we execute strict quality control which means all filling must be done in the clean room. Furthermore, we always maintain constant communication with our customers in order to gain full understanding of the products and needs they really want. For the past years, we truly appreciate their consistent supports and relying upon us. Because of that, we are motivated to constantly upgrade our quality. In return, we earn their recognition of our stable quality and service. In order to supply overseas demands, Laksh International Co., Ltd was established in October of 2007. The newly - established brand Laksh represents nourishment, satisfaction and enrichment"nourish your skin ", "satisfy your needs" and"enrich your beauty". Our major markets are America, Europe, South American, Middle East and Asia, and the main business is to export Laksh products to these markets. However, we also provide OEM service if requested by foreign customers. We do believe"Laksh" is the ultimate products that satisfy the needs of modern women today. Laksh, making women all over the world look younger, prettier and more radiant !
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